Organic Gardening with Kids
Do you have memories of gardening with your parents or grandparents? I remember walking out into my backyard as a kid and picking gooseberries, currants and wild strawberries. I didn’t care that the berries weren’t ripe, I was just so excited to pick and nibble right outside in the sunshine. After having kids of my own I wanted to give them an opportunity to spend time in the garden and grow up with their own set of memories.
There are lots of gardening activities to do with kids. Whether you want to get your kids eating more fresh organic veggies, or you just want a tech free way to spend time with your kids, growing an organic garden with them can be a memory that will stay with you both forever. Plus they’ll start to learn where food comes from, how to grow it and maybe develop a love for gardening as they get older.
In this video I walk through some of the gardening activities I like to do with my kids and how I’ve managed to raise two kids (5 and 2) who love to help out in the garden and eat fresh organic veggies!
Watch below, or scroll down to keep reading.
Time Stamps:
- 1:25 Plant Labels
- 2:05 Weeding
- 3:02 Watering
- 3:19 Kids Gardening Tools
- 5:56 Gardening Projects
- 6:19 Veggies for Kids
- 10:18 Help Plan your Garden
- 11:19 Have Fun

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Gardening Activities with Kids
As soon as my kids could sit up I put them in front of the plants. Kids love to explore, and what better thing to explore than a plant! I definitely chose plants that were completely edible in case they took a nibble, and I was careful that they didn’t pull out the whole plant, but in general I let my kids explore and experiment in the garden.
These are some of the activities I love to do with my kids, and that they love doing too!
Make Plant Labels
My 5 year old daughter is learning to read and write, so when I started writing the names of plants on plant labels as I was starting seeds I thought what a great opportunity for her to practice her writing and do something productive in the garden at the same time!
As your kids get older and enjoy drawing and painting, you can create more permanent garden labels where they can draw a picture of the plant and write the name and draw a picture of the plant. Use a waterproof paint to seal it if you plant to put it outside.
Help Weeding and Watering
These might seem like garden chores to you, but if you do it with your kids together, it’s actually a really fun experience! My kids fight over the tools so I ended up buying each of them their own kid sized gardening gear. The only word of caution here is to find kids gardening tools that won’t fall apart. Some kids gear is poorly made and are really just toys. If they’re going to help in the garden its a good idea to find them tools that they’ll be able to use. Think a mini (and more colorful) version of yours!
Help with Gardening Projects
As I built my greenhouse, my cold frames and my raised beds, I welcomed my kids involvement. Even if they weren’t technically helping, I thanked them for anything they did, like pass me the screws or help hold up the wood. Even if they contribute 1% it’s worth recognizing, and the more I thank them for their help, the more eager they are to continue to help. Plus it’s fun having my kids around as I get productive things done around the house.
Help Plan the Garden
As I plan out my garden for the upcoming season, I ask my kids to help me choose what plants to grow by picking pictures in seed catalogues, or helping me design my garden inside my garden planning app. They get a hand in deciding what to grow and then when it comes time to plant, they help with that too! They help me start seeds, keep all the seedlings strong and healthy and then help transplant them in the garden. Having their involvement from the beginning helps them see the transformation from just an idea to a fully grown productive plant.
Most kids (and adults) would run straight for the fresh ripe strawberries or blackberries, but you might be surprised how many other veggies they’ll eat too. Peas are a big hit around here. My kids will park it right beside the pea plants and will sit there for 1/2 hour before resurfacing. They’ll also walk over to the tomatoes and pick one and start munching on it. But there are some other surprising veggies they eat as well. Sorrel was one I never would have thought of feeding my kids but they both love it! I can’t seem to grow enough of it right now. Kale is another favorite around here. Fresh baby kale leaves picked while the weather is still cool has such a mild and slightly sweet taste to it. Don’t be surprised if your kids starting munching on random veggies from your garden too!
Let Them Have Fun
At the end of the day if you have fun in the garden with your kids and they get to pick and eat tasty fruits and veggies from their own backyard, it’s pretty hard not to have fond memories of gardening as they get older.
Do you have any activities you’re eager to do with your kids?

Learn what to do in the garden in each month of the year. Click here for your free seasonal gardening calendar.