How to Add a Walking Path or Divider Between Beds
To ensure you have room to move around in your garden, you’ll want to add walking paths. By placing a path every 3-5 feet or so, you’ll have room to comfortably reach to the middle of your garden.
To add a walking path, open up the plant selector pop-up.
Then click on the Objects tab. From there you can select either a 6×6 inch walking path or a 1 foot patio stone.
Select the one you want to use and add it to the garden in the same way you would add plants. Hover over a spot in the garden where you want to add a path. If the square is green, you can safely add the path there. If it’s grey, you don’t have enough room to add that path without interfering with something else in your garden.
Continue adding paths until your entire walking path is complete
Paths can be used to divide raised beds as well, or you can choose to set up a separate garden for each bed.